The Sully
Project Location
346 Somerville Avenue, Somerville, MA
Project Narrative
The proposed project at 346 Somerville Avenue went through a lengthy city approval process which involved input from community members, planning staff and property abutters. The original design concept presented consisted of two buildings- a mixed-use building which fronted on Somerville Avenue and a residential townhouse style building which fronted on Lake Street. After much input from the community, KDI revised the concept to be a single mixed-use 6-story building fronting only on Somerville Avenue. The parking was eliminated and a public park was provided along the Lake Street frontage. The building contains a 2,500 sf commercial space on the ground floor and 94 residential units above- a mix of Studio & 1- Bedrooms ranging from 375 sf- 650 sf. Building Amenities include a common roof deck, bike parking, fitness room and a public access park. The exterior design took cues from the local architecture, the Somerville Planning Department and incorporated input from local community members. The project has been approved by the Somerville Planning and Zoning Boards.